Week 7 Shonan

Image result for high school of the dead

For this class I read a little bit of the Full Metal Alchemist manga, and I loved the presentation that Macy did in class this past week. I'm more of a shoujo person but I can appreciate shonan. I would have to say one of my favorite shonan animes is high school of the dead, its ridiculous and doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever. I watch it for the ridiculously smooth animation, and shameless fan service. I know what I'm getting into with high school of the dead: zombies, boobs, and guns. That''s basically it right? Yes, it is.
I feel like I would like shonan more if it were more female friendly, and by that I mean if they wouldn't sexualize every single girl and boil them down to just their panties and boobs. Full Metal Alchemist is cool because the women involved aren't over sexualized, their boobs don't defy gravity, and they have their own priorities aside from the men in the story. 


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