Week 13 Annarasumanara

For this week I read Annarasumanara 

1. What is your reaction to the text you just read?
I read seven chapters of this manga on webtoons. I'm not that interested in it. But I can appreciate a manga with a lot of black negative space. The main character didn't really interest me and neither did the side characters. I did however enjoy the intricate patterns featured in the manga. 

2. What connections did you make with the story? Discuss what elements of the story with which you were able to connect?
I relate to how the Yun Ai feels that wonder and curiosity are just things meant for children, and that it will never be useful in the real world. My dad always said that disney phrases like "a dream is a wish your heart makes" because you have to work your ass off to actually get what you want.
I connected with the fact that Yun Ai's sister was still innocent and curious, and it still baffles me today as to how worn out and dull I've become in comparison to my imaginative 5 year old self.

I agree with Kinglsey that this manga does remind me of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness in the way that it talks about youths struggling with money and parental expectations. But I preferred MLEWL to this manga.

3. What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you choose; what changes would you make?
I think that a podcast with good sound effects would be a better way to convey this manga. This may sound a little harsh but I think this manga had a bit of a juvenile higher schooler style. The poses are very stiff and there's barely any play with shapes. I think since this story has a lot to do with believing, wondering, and imagining, it would be nice to have the audience interact with the story and manifest the characters in their own mind. 

4. In what ways does this story seem more adapted to an online environment?
I think the photography play featured in the manga does defend the fact that its posted online. 
But then again they could just print it. 
One thing that the artist could work with in this digital medium is utilize the sound features on webtoon. Some comics like Lore Olympus or the Siren's Lament on webtoons have sound effects and transitioned that are featured through out the text. Gifs as well maybe? 
Adding anything that moves or has sound would make the comic more restrained to just online consumption. 


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