Week 10

Isekai wasn't a term I was familiar with but now that I know the meaning, I immediately thought of Inuyasha, even though I never really got into it. I did watch Digimon, and that counts.
Another example I could possibly say is the American movie "Atlantis, The Lost Empire" but that's a stretch.
I watched the boy and the beast and I really liked it. Like with Spirited Away, it always leaves me with a bittersweet feeling when: SPOILER ALERT!!!

When the main character finally leaves the alternate realm to live in the human world, and leaves all the friends they made in the past. I mean neither Chihiro or Ren should have stayed in their alternate realms and it was the right thing to do, plus they're both kids and they need their parents.
But still, wouldn't it be nice if they could still go back and visit?


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